You have managed to make the middle part of the rose by following the steps in arranging the petals. Now we will proceed to complete the rose.

Using the curvy shaped petals, put it on every side of the middle bud of the rose. One tips is to put in between two petals so that the new petal wouldn’t be overlapping the existing petals.

After you have put about 3 curvy petals around the middle part, tie them with wire no.28 and wrap using the brown floral tape. This is to make sure that your rose will look nice without the white wire no.28 visible once the whole rose has been completed.

Continue to put other curvy petals around the rose until you satisfied with the size and the look of your rose. Repeat the process of tying and wrapping with floral tape.

Usually a medium size rose will have about 11-13 petals inclusive the middle bud. You have to rearrange the petals once you have tied and wrapped them with floral tape to make sure you have a satisfactory looking nylon rose.
You have made your first rose by learning and following all the steps online.
For more ideas, visit for product ideas. Look under the category of guest favors and ceremonial flowers for sample pictures of available products.