I happened to spend a lot on getting scrapbooking materials from US this year so in order not to waste any of it and while my passion is still hot, I used the Prima flowers, paper ribbons, fibres, chipboard and stickers as embellishments on this wood frame.

The untreated wood frame bought from IKEA was painted using acrylic paints – white primer with Pistachio Green and since I was so eager to try the crackle medium I bought from the craft shop in One Utama, (if you look in the picture carefully), you can see the tiny crackles all over the frame.
I am still mastering the crackling techniques but for now I am running out of wood frames to try my hands on..heh! Oh, the finished frame was given to a friend for her birthday present.
Saya minat sangat nak belajar menjahit manik boleh kah tolong ajarkan
[…] I am so shy to share mine, but the truth is, here is the minimal looking frame I made as a gift to a friend back then in 2007 using whatever scrapbooking embellishments I have that time. The entry of the decorated frame is here Decorated Frame With Scrapbooking Materials. […]