Still on the gubahan hantaran for merah hitam theme color. Niece #1 and SIL went to seek out suitable chocolate to put in the rectangle wire basket and they decided to buy Cadbury Bournville as the wrapper color is red and black (dark choc perhaps?)
The plastic containers initially planned to be put bunga rampai has been substituted with tiny chocolate pieces.

The chocolate cupcakes were ordered from Citra Klasik bakery. They were decorated with white fondant, embellished with red roses. I purposely asked them not to wrap the window white box with ribbon since we wanted to decorate the box with the same materials used in other gubahan hantaran.

SIL couldn’t find deep red apples such as Washington or dark red grapes. She bought cherries, plums and Fuji apples instead. Oh, not to forget strawberries to give some color contrast to all the deep red tone among the fruits..heh!

Personally I was happy with the outcome of the gubahan hantaran for this red and black wedding. Congrats to Niece #1 and SIL for doing a good job in decorating all the hantaran.
tq Sarah..nampak cantik pulak bila dah hias box tu ye?