I finally got the time to edit the pictures from Niece #2 wedding. Here is the picture during the akad nikah ceremony in the mosque. The groom side brought along their gubahan hantaran which were done in red as well. Usually the bride and groom will choose different color theme but this time I don’t know why they decided to use one color theme..huhu!

The cake for potong kek ceremony after makan beradap. I ordered the buttercream cake with gumpaste floral decoration from Citra Klasik Bakery. The owner, Kak pau was very understanding and easy to communicate with. I did all the order online and via phone, and the cake was delivered just on time.

The pelamin came together with the bridal outfits rental. Niece #2 and her husband did all the booking. I think the pelamin biz is somewhere from Gombak area.

The bilik pengantin was done by SIL and her daughter #1. They used the bedsheet bought for Niece #1 wedding. I bought the bed runner at the bazaar in The Curve. The rose petals and candles were bought at IKEA.

Overall despite a few glitches here and there, the red wedding went smoothly. Selamat Pengantin Baru to Niece #2 and her Hubby!