I have decoupaged this bottle about 2 years ago. It was originally a strawberry jam bottle. I used paper napkin with strawberry and butterfly motifs to decoupage it.

A few months ago, while shopping for craft items in Art Friend, The Gardens, I bought a bottle of Plaid Folkart glitter glue. I used that on my submission items for a craft contest (will write about that later). However the effect of the glitter was quite subtle.

Another shopping trip to Craft Haven in One Utama made me buy a bottle of Opal Dust from Jo Sonja. Since I didn’t have time to do new decoupage, I decided to apply the Opal Dust on this jam bottle. Before that I applied Glaze Medium and Gloss Varnish (both from Jo Sonja) on the bottle. Then I applied the Opal Dust on the strawberries and butterfly motifs.
Overall, I am quite happy with the glitter effect after using Jo Sonja Opal Dust as the opal dust is quite big and sparkly. I applied another layer of the opal dust after I finished varnishing the bottle since the bottle will only be used as decoration.