This is the demo set for bunga dulang mini I made for my February bunga dip class. Actually this is the second one I made after I lost the first set. I was not sure whether any of my students took the first demo bunga dulang but since I have to have one to show to upcoming students, I quickly made one the night before the last class.

Basically by doing this bunga dulang mini in my class, you will be able to learn on how to make the filler flowers (bunga kecil), the rose and how to combine those flowers to be a bunga dulang.
After you master the basic technique, you can add on as many filler flowers, more leaves and main roses to make a bigger and grander bunga dulang dip for your gubahan hantaran!
Check out my latest announcement for the coming class if you are interested to learn on how to make your own bunga dip for your wedding. The seats are limited and participants are on first come first serve basis.