Jodie Bushman has another book – The Big Book of Decorative Borders. This is another book by her. I have 2 copies of this book but only 1 is for sell. The retail price in the market is RM95.00. I am selling this for RM35 with additional RM8 as postage and handling.

There are 12 projects with different techniques on various surface and easy to follow instructions.

Check out the table of content.

There’s list of materials needed. Basically if you have done decorative painting before, these are what people normally need.

I’m interested with her suggestion to use plastic pencil case with deli paper as palette. I could have save a lot of paint because as a mom you never know when you will have time to really sit down and paint.

These are the basic techniques on how to load the paint. She even shows how to make dots. (Note to self: get a stylus next time I shop)

Not to scare the first timer, the first project is to do on a ready made letter rack. You just need to sand on the area where you will paint the borders.

There are about 8 steps to follow. What a great and thoughtful gift for a house warming, don’t you think so?

Once you feel confident, let’s move to a bigger piece like this trunk. It looks challenging but actually it’s a repetition of borders.

I remember among the first thing I learned many years ago during folk art class is to do strokes for daisy. Maybe it’s about time I take out all my brushes and try this project.

For this lamp shade project, you will get to learn on how to draw border on curved surface.

Another one I would love to try is to paint border on fabric. Once you add the acrylic paint with textile medium, you can wash it.

These are some borders you will get to learn in the three-step techniques. There are 32 borders taught in the 3 easy steps chapter.

Oh, if you are feeling ambitious and would love to paint border on your kitchen wall for example, there’s one project on long repeating border. There are many wonderful tips to try.

You will also find hundreds of borders, corner treatments and other embellishments to copy.

There are patterns which you can trace or photocopy and enlarge to suit the size of your project.

If you are interested to buy, hurry up and leave a comment with a valid email address or email me. There’s only one copy to sell.