If anyone is interested to learn decorative painting from books, this One Stroke Techniques Guide by Donna Dewberry is a good book for beginners. I’m selling this for RM45, excluded postage. I have 3 books in stock. There are 128 pages.
You get to learn all the basic materials, type of paint, basic guide on how to do the basecoating, crackle effect and spattering just to name a few.
The brand of the paint and medium used in this book is Plaid/ Folk Art. If you are in Kuala Lumpur, the brand is sold in Art Friend, The Gardens.
If you are a newbie to decorative painting, you will be surprised to find all kind and shape of brushes i.e scruffy, angle, flat, fan, filbert. Each will have different function and usage in painting.
It’s really important to basecoat the material you want to paint. To make it more interesting, there are techniques like crackle, spattering, antiquing for more effect. Some can be done before you start painting, and some after you have painted the design.
To start the one stroke techniques, you have to know how to load your brush. There are pictures to show each step. Of course with practice, you will get the feel of it and can start to paint with ease.
There are steps on how to paint rosebud using angle/angular brush.
If you have been wondering how to use fan brush, check out the worksheets on painting grass and wild flowers. It can also be used to paint waves and water.
If you want to paint on fabric, there is special medium to be added into your paint. It will help the paint to glide over the fabric.
There are many worksheets to practise the strokes, shown here are the one using flat brush and scruffy brush.
Your angle brush can also be used to make ribbon strokes and to draw vines.
In decorative painting, it is really important for you to know how to hold the brush and position your hand.
If anyone interested to get a copy of this book, kindly leave comment/email me at farah[at]bungatelur.com or sms 012.6482121. The postage and handling using poslaju/pos express will be RM7 for this book.