Those in Geng Decoupage have been going crazy about this pink rose napkin bought from Romantika. I managed to buy a packet and started working on it. I shaded the board with Ivory White, Pine Green and Baby Pink. Before that I painted the background in white.
It looks really sweet once I have pasted the napkin. I painted the wording salam on the board since I want to give this to my SIL as her birthday present. But then someone in the group told us that her decoupage product lost the color after a month being put outside. Another friend told that her customer complained about the same fading problem as well.
I have never encountered such problem since I usually use IHR or other high quality napkins for my decoupage work.
So to be safe I decided to touch up the rose and leaves motif in acrylic. It turns out to be more bright than the original color..huhu!
Well, I have varnished the board and decided to take chance with it. If it still fades then I know next time just to use such napkins for indoor decoration.